Women In Astronomy
Fun Facts and Links


Jill Tarter
Carolyn Shoemaker
Anne Kinney
Sally Ride
Fun Facts and Links
The Future (Message Board)
Closing Thoughts

* Check out these fun facts and links *

Among young women astronomers, 94 percent said they were treated differently than their male counterparts, and the survey's author noted this difference was sometimes positive.

There have been twenty-four women astronauts in space.

66 percent of women said they expected their careers would be hindered because of their gender. ( www.space.com/peopleinterviews/women_astronomers_000111_wg.html)

The first woman astronomer to discover a comet started out her career as a singer? Caroline Lucretia Herschel was quite successful as a singer, in fact, and received invitations to sing with orchestras in a number of cities. ( <http://crux.astr.ua.edu/4000WS/didyouknow.7.html>)

NASA has its own Women of NASA website: <http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/women/intro.html>

So does the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL): <http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/tours/women/>

Here's the Comittee On the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA): <http://www.aas.org/~cswa/>

Lots of handy bios here at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific's page on Women Atronomers: <http://cannon.sfsu.edu/~gmarcy/cswa/history/history.html>

Another good database of bios, privately run:http://users.erols.com/njastro/barry/bar-page/womenast.htm

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